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Preprint 19-2010

Combinatorial Optimization & Graph Algorithms group (COGA-Preprints)

An Approximative Criterion for the Potential of Energetic Reasoning
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scheduling, energetic reasoning
Energetic reasoning is one of the most powerful propagation algorithms in cumulative scheduling. In practice, however, it is commonly not used because it has a high running time and its success highly depends on the tightness of the variable bounds. In order to speed up energetic reasoning, we provide a necessary condition to detect infeasibilities, which can be tested efficiently.
We present an implementation of energetic reasoning that employs this condition and that can be parametrically adjusted to handle the trade-off between solving time and propagation overhead. Computational results on instances from the PSPLib are provided. They show that using the condition decreases the running time by more than a half, although more search nodes need to be explored.
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