TU Berlin Fakultät II
Institut für Mathematik

Arbeitsgruppe Geometrie



Geometry Group







Mathematical Physics 2: Statistical Mechanics (SS 2017)

Lectures     Yuri Suris Tue 12:15 - 13:45 MA 651
Wed 12:15 - 13:45 MA 550
Tutorials Matteo Petrera Thu 12:15 - 13:45 MA 751

This is a course of the Berlin Mathematical School held in English.


Principles of statistical mechanics, Elements of probability theory, Gibbs measures, Partition functions, Thermodynamic limit, Phase transitions, Asymptotic Gibbs measures, Classical spin models, Curie-Weiss model, Ising model, Transfer matrix method, Star-triangle relation.


Exercise sheets

Homework policy

  • To get a certificate for the tutorial you need to satisfactorily complete 60% of the homework assignments.
  • Homework assignments are due weekly. They may be turned in directly to Dr. Petrera at the beginning of the Thursday's Tutorial (12:15) or left in the letter box of Dr. Petrera (MA 701, Frau J. Downes)

Matteo Petrera . 16.08.2017.