TU Berlin Fakultät II
Institut für Mathematik

Arbeitsgruppe Geometrie



Geometry Group







Studierendenseminar der AG Geometrie und Mathematische Physik (Winter 2015)

  • Es fehlen noch Unterschriften (Nötig, falls ihr euch das Seminar als Studienleistung anrechnen lassen möchtet).
  • Zur Erinnerung: Bitte schickt mir eine Mail (an knoeppel@math.tu-berlin.de) mit euren Daten, d.h.
    • Name,
    • Matrikelnummer,
    • Studiengang,
    • Thema,
    • Professor.
  • Die Einführungsveranstaltung mit Präsentation findet am 28.10.15 um 14 Uhr im MA 874/875 statt.
  • Die Vergabe der Themen findet am 04.11.15 um 14 Uhr im MA 874/875 statt.


Alexander Bobenko

  • Discrete parameterized surfaces (André Greiner-Petter)
    • Tim Hoffmann, Andrew O. Sageman-Furnas, Max Wardetzky, A discrete parametrized surface theory in R3. arXiv:1412.7293 [math.DG] [online]

  • Discrete parameterized surfaces: constant mean curvature (Akraam Alraai)
    • Tim Hoffmann, Andrew O. Sageman-Furnas, Max Wardetzky, A discrete parametrized surface theory in R3. arXiv:1412.7293 [math.DG] [online]

  • Isothermic Triangulated Surfaces (Yve Mehlan)
    • Wai Yeung Lam, Ulrich Pinkall, Isothermic Triangulated Surfaces. arXiv:1501.02587 [math.DG] [online]

  • Discrete minimal surfaces (Viktoria Schwarzott)
    • Wai Yeung Lam, Discrete minimal surfaces: critical points of the area functional from integrable systems. arXiv:1510.08788 [math.DG] [online].

  • Tutte's theorem (Felix Prause)
    • Gortler, Steven J.; Gotsman, Craig; Thurston, Dylan, Discrete one-forms on meshes and applications to 3D mesh parameterization. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23 (2): 83-112 [online]

  • Applications of Tutte's theorem in geometry processing and computer graphics (Marcel Padilla)
    • Noam Aigerman, Yaron Lipman, Orbifold Tutte Embeddings. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 [online]

Boris Springborn

  • Löwner's differential equation for slit domains (Nimrod Knoller)
    • Goluzin, G. M., Geometric theory of functions of a complex variable. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 26 American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. 1969
    • Golusin, G. M., Geometrische Funktionentheorie. Hochschulbücher für Mathematik, Bd. 31. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1957

  • Tilt formulas and horospherical Delaunay triangulations (Paula Rockmann)
    • Weeks, Jeffrey R., Convex hulls and isometries of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Topology Appl. 52 (1993), no. 2, 127-149. [doi]
    • Sakuma, Makoto; Weeks, Jeffrey R., The generalized tilt formula. Geom. Dedicata 55 (1995), no. 2, 115-123. [doi]

  • Holomorphic vector fields and quadratic differentials on planar triangulations (Philipp Ripplinger)
    • Wai Yeung Lam, Ulrich Pinkall, Holomorphic vector fields and quadratic differentials on planar triangulations. arXiv:1506.08099 [math.CV]. [online]

  • Discrete conformal equivalence in 3D is the same as Möbius equivalence (David Reich)

John Sullivan

  • Lebesgue universal covering problem (José Mandujano)
    • John C. Baez, Karine Bagdasaryan, Philip Gibbs, The Lebesgue Universal Covering Problem. arXiv:1502.01251 [math.MG] [online]

  • Minimum solid angle in a tetrahedron (Peter Seikowski)
    • Arseniy Akopyan, Roman Karasev, Bounding minimal solid angles of polytopes. arXiv:arXiv:1505.05263 [math.MG] [online]

  • Complexity measures for 3-manifolds (Corrie Barthelheimer)
    • Jae Choon Cha, Complexities of 3-manifolds from triangulations, Heegaard splittings, and surgery presentations. arXiv:1506.00757 [math.GT] [online]

  • Fáry/Milnor for C1 limits (Dennis Choy)
    • Henryk Gerlach, Philipp Reiter, Heiko von der Mosel, The elastic trefoil is the twice covered circle. arXiv:1510.06171 [math.DG] [online]
    (Here we're talking about the Appendix of that paper. Of course the rest of the paper could be a topic for a more ambitious and analytic project.)

  • Fullerenes / Shapes of Polyhedra (Viktoria Langer, Juliane Pawlitzki)
    • Victor M. Buchstaber, Nickolai Erokhovets, Construction of fullerenes. arXiv:1510.02948 [math.CO] [online]
    • Richard Evan Schwartz, Notes on Shapes of Polyhedra. arXiv:1506.07252 [math.GT] [online]
    • William P. Thurston, Shapes of polyhedra and triangulations of the sphere. arXiv:math/9801088 [math.GT] [online]
    (This of course could easily be split into several seminar topics. A master's thesis might want to combine and compare the papers.)

  • Scribability of polytopes (Julia)
    • Hao Chen, Arnau Padrol, Scribability problems for polytopes. arXiv:1508.03537 [math.MG] [online]
    (On Monday, Nov 2 at 2 pm, Arnau Padrol talks about scribability problems on polytopes at Graduiertenkolleg: Methods for Discrete Structures of FU Berlin.)

Yuri Suris

  • Why isothermic surfaces are called isothermic? (Laura Schumacher)
    • Darboux, Gaston, Leçons sur la théorie générale des surfaces et les applications géométriques du calcul infinitésimal. Gauthier-Villars 1887-96 [excerpt]

  • Elliptic curves and geometry (Luise Benke)
    • Dimitri Zvonkine, Courbes Elliptiques dans la Géométrie Elémentaire. Quadrature, 1997, no. 27, 5-13 [online]

  • Poisson reduction on the space of polygons (Alejandro Torres Orjuela)
    • Ian Marschall, Poisson reduction on the space of polygons. International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2015, No. 18, pp. 8925-8958, [online]

  • Generalization of Kahan's integrator for polynomial vector fields of degree > 2 (Rico)
    • Elena Celledoni, Robert I. McLachlan, David I. McLaren, Brynjulf Owren, G. R. W. Quispel, Discretization of polynomial vector fields by polarization. [online]

  • Commuting exterior billiards (Alexej Jordan)
    • Serge Tabachnikov, Commuting dual billiard maps. Geometriae Dedicata 53: 57-68, 1994. [online]

  • Functions whose poisson brackets are constant (Stefanie Schindler)

Die Vorträge dauern 45 Minuten mit anschließenden Fragen. Bitte besprechen Sie Ihr Thema und den Inhalt nach der Vergabe mit dem jeweiligen verantwortlichen Dozenten (siehe unten). Für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Seminar ist die Anwesenheit bei mindestens 10 Studierendenvorträgen erforderlich.


Montag, der 1. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
José Mandujano Lebesgue universal covering problem 13:00
Peter Seikowski Minimum solid angle in a tetrahedron 14:00
Corrie Barthelheimer Complexity measures for 3-manifolds 15:00
Denis Choy Fáry/Milnor for C1 limits 16:00

Mittwoch, der 3. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
Nimrod Knoller Löwner's differential equation for slit domains 14:00
Paula Rockmann Tilt formulas for horospherical Delaunay triangulations 15:00
Philipp Ripplinger Holomorphic vector fields and quadratic differentials on planar triangulations 16:00
David Reich Discrete conformal equivalence in 3D 17:00

Donnerstag, der 4. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
Laura Schumacher Why isothermic surfaces are called isothermic? 09:00
Luise Benke Elliptic curves and geometry 10:00
Alejandro Torres Orjuela Generalization of Kahan's integrator for polynomial vector fields of degree >2 11:00

Montag, der 8. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
Viktoria Langer Fullerenes / Shapes of polyhedra I 14:00
Juliane Pawlitzki Fullerenes / Shapes of polyhedra II 15:00
Georg Lehner On Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams and (generalized) Platonic solids 16:00
Franziska Schlösser Knots in the torus up to six crossings 17:00

Mittwoch, der 10. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
Pablo Wiedemann Vortex sheets 14:00

Donnerstag, der 11. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
Stefanie Schindler Functions whose Poisson brackets are constant 09:00
Rico Berner Poisson reduction on the space of polygons 10:00
Alexej Jordan Commuting exterior billiards 11:00

Name Titel Zeit
André Greiner Petter Discrete parameterized surfaces 14:00
Akram Alraai Discrete parameterized surfaces: constant mean curvature 15:00

Freitag, der 12. Februar

Name Titel Zeit
Viktoria Schwarzott Isothermic triangulated surfaces 13:00
Felix Prause Tutte's theorem 14:00
Marcel Padilla Applications of Tutte's theorem in geometry processing and computer graphics 15:00

Alle Vorträge finden im Raum MA 874/875 statt und können auf deutsch oder englisch gehalten werden. Alle Zeiten sind in 's.t.' angegeben.

Verantwortliche Dozenten

Assistent: Felix Knöppel (knoeppel@math.tu-berlin.de)

Vorheriges Semester: Sommer 2015

Felix Knoeppel . 10.02.2016.