Donnerstag, 16:00-18:00 Uhr MA 649 (sowie ein Blocktermin voraussichtlich am 24.01.1996)
Termin | Vortragender | Thema |
24.10.96 | Thomas Megow | A Polynomial Time Primal Network Simplex Algorithm |
31.10.96 | Christian Seidel | A Simple Min Cut Algorithm |
21.11.96 | Christian Liebchen | A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for the Transportation Problem |
28.11.96 | Kai-Uwe Humpert | An Approximation Algorithm for the Generalized Assignment Problem |
05.12.96 | Marko Kitzing | Generalized Maximum Flows and Augmenting Paths |
12.12.96 | Walter Tietze | A Polynomial Algorithm for Abstract Maximum Flow |
19.12.96 | Matthias Müller | Polynomial Methods for Separable Convex Optimization ... |
09.01.97 | Christian Trinks | Minimum Cost Flows: Strongly Polynomial Algorithms |
16.01.97 | Oleg Mänz | A Submodular Optimization Problem with Side Constraints |
24.01.97 | Thorsten Struck | A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees |
24.01.97 | Hannes Grund | Semidefinite Programming |
24.01.97 | Alexander Uckun | Improved Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Cut and Satisfiability Problems Using Semidefinite Programming |
24.01.97 | Jens Kunerle | A Geometric Approach to Betweeness |
30.01.97 | Thomas Morstein | Path Problems in Skew-Symmetric Graphs |
06.02.97 | Raik Stolletz | Maximum Skew-Symmetric Flows |
13.02.97 | Alexander Gerhardt | New Algorithms for Generalized Network Flows |