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Seminar Diskrete Optimierung WS 97/98

Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Möhring


Zeit und Ort:

Das Seminar wird in der 4. Vorlesungswoche des WS 97/98 beginnen und wöchentlich Dienstags 16 - 18 Uhr im Raum MA 751 stattfinden.


Datum Vortragender Thema
4.11.97 Jens Kunerle Structures of Min-Cuts in Graphs
18.11.97 Benjamin Feldhahn Undirected Single Source Shortest Path in Linear Time
25.11.97 Christian Liebchen Periodic Scheduling
2.12.97 Marc Pinn Semidefinite Programming for Max k-Cut and Max Bisection
2.12.97 Walter Tietze Nearly Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Euclidean TSP and other Geometric Problems
9.12.97 Matthias Müller Probabilistic Approximation of Metric Spaces and its Algorithmic Applications
16.12.97 Ben Kummer Polynomial Approximation Schemes for Parallel Scheduling
6.1.98 Kathrin Starker A Complete Classification of the Approximability of Maximization Problems
(ggf. 27.1.98)
Berit Johannes A Fast Parametric Maximum Flow Algorithm and Applications
(ggf. 3.2.98)
Stefan Schwertel Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location Problems
3.2.98 Karin Hecht The Usefulness of LP Formulations in Scheduling
10.2.98 Sandra Sieroux Finding Even Cycles and Even Holes in Graphs


90-minütiger Vortrag
schriftliche Ausarbeitung

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Last modified: Tue Nov 4 12:24:20 MET