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TU Berlin

Inhalt des Dokuments

Preprint 31-2007

STCSSP: A FORTRAN 77 routine to compute a structured staircase form for a (skew-)symmetric/(skew-)symmetric matrix pencil

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Author(s) : Tobias Brüll , Volker Mehrmann

Preprint series of the Institute of Mathematics, Technische Universität Berlin
Preprint 31-2007

MSC 2000

65F15 Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
65F22 Ill-posedness, regularization

Abstract :
This paper contains the description of the algorithm STCSSP and its interface. STCSSP is a FORTRAN subroutine that computes a structured staircase form for a real (skew-) symmetric / (skew-) symmetric matrix pencil, i.e., a pencil where each of the two matrices is either symmetric or skew-symmetric. An example how to call the subroutine is given.

Keywords : even pencil, structured staircase form, structured staircase algorithm

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