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Preprint 20-2004

Combinatorial Optimization & Graph Algorithms group (COGA-Preprints)

The Modeling Power of the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem: Railway Timetables - and Beyond
In Frank Geraets et al.: ATMOS 2004, Springer LNCS 4359, 2007
primary: 90B20 Traffic problems
secondary: 05C90 Applications
90B06 Transportation, logistics
periodic timetabling, line planning, modeling
In the planning process of railway companies, we propose to integrate important decisions of network planning, line planning, and vehicle scheduling into the task of periodic timetabling. From such an integration, we expect to achieve an additional potential for optimization.
Models for periodic timetabling are commonly based on the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP). We show that, for our purpose of this integration, the PESP has to be extended by only two features, namely a linear objective function and a symmetry requirement. These extensions of the PESP do not really impose new types of constraints, because practitioners have already required them even when only planning timetables autonomously without interaction with other planning steps.
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