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Preprint 01-2010

Combinatorial Optimization & Graph Algorithms group (COGA-Preprints)

On the Existence of Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games
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weighted congestion games, existence of pure Nash equilibria
We study the existence of pure Nash equilibria in weighted congestion games. Let C denote a set of cost functions. We say that C is consistent if every weighted congestion game with cost functions in C possesses a PNE. We say that C is FIP-consistent if every weighted congestion game with cost functions in C possesses the Finite Improvement Property.
Our contribution is the following:
1. Let C be a nonempty set of continuous functions. If C is consistent, then C may only contain monotonic functions. This characterization is even valid for singleton games.
2. Let C be a nonempty set of twice continuously differentiable functions. Then, C is consistent for two-player games if and only if C contains only monotonic functions and for all c_1,c_2 in C, there are constants a,b in R such that c_1=a c_2+b.
3. Under the same assumptions as in 2., we show that C is consistent for games with at least 3 players if and only if exactly one of the following cases hold: (i) C contains only affine functions; (ii) C contains only exponential functions such that c(ell)=a_c e^phi ell+b_c for some a_c,b_c, phi in R, where a_c and b_c may depend on c, while phi must be equal for every c in C. This characterization is even valid for 3-player games, thus, closing the gap to 2-player games considered above. Finally, we discuss implications of our characterizations for weighted network congestion games.
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