Ekin Ergen
Research assistant
Fakultät II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Mathematik, Sekr. MA 5-2
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin
Office: MA 679
Telephone: +49 30 314 78656
Email: (lastname)@math.tu-berlin.de
- Insertion Heuristics for (1,2)-TSP (Ekin Ergen)
OR 2023 – Proc. International Conference of the German Operations Research Society.
author = {Ergen, Ekin},
title = {Insertion Heuristics for {(1,2)}-{TSP}},
booktitle = {OR 2023 – Proc. International Conference of the German Operations Research Society},
year = {2025},
- Topological Expressivity of ReLU Neural Networks (Ekin Ergen and Moritz Grillo)
COLT 2024 – Proc. 37th Conference on Learning Theory.
author = {Ergen, Ekin and Grillo, Moritz},
title = {Topological Expressivity of ReLU Neural Networks},
booktitle = {COLT 2024 – Proc. 37th Conference on Learning Theory},
year = {2024},
- Total Completion Time Scheduling Under Scenarios (Thomas Bosman, Martijn van Ee, Ekin Ergen, Csanád Imreh, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Martin Skutella and Leen Stougie)
WAOA 2023 – Proc. 21st Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, pp. 104–118.
title = {Total Completion Time Scheduling Under Scenarios},
author = {Bosman, Thomas and van Ee, Martijn and Ergen, Ekin and Imreh, Csan{\'a}d and Marchetti-Spaccamela, Alberto and Skutella, Martin and Stougie, Leen},
booktitle = {WAOA 2023 – Proc. 21st Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms},
pages = {104--118},
year = {2023},
Selected Talks
- 06/24 MAPSP 2024, Koldingfjord, Denmark. Title: Total Completion Time Scheduling Under Scenarios. (slides)
- 06/24 Oberseminar Insitute for Mathematical Optimization, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. Title: Total Completion Time Scheduling Under Scenarios. (slides)
- 08/23 FRICO 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Title: Total Completion Time Scheduling Under Scenarios.
- 03/23 "What is...?" Seminar, Berlin Mathematical School, Berlin, Germany. Title: What is (integer) linear programming?
- 01/23 DISCOGA Research Seminar, Berlin, Germany. Title: Souvenirs from Aussois (workshop report for 2023 Combinatorial Optimization Workshop in Aussois, France).
- 07/22 "What is...?" Seminar, Berlin Mathematical School, Berlin, Germany. Title: What is the generalized Poincare conjecture? (slides)
- 05/22 DISCOGA Research Seminar, Berlin, Germany. Title: Lower Bounds for Approximation Algorithms for the Steiner Tree Problem.
- I have contributed to Mathenacht 2024 with a workshop for high school students. You can find the exercise catalogues here (in German).
- I have co-organized FRICO 2024, a workshop organized for and by PhD students in combinatorial optimization.
- I like to be involved in Tag der Mathematik, an event with a mathematics competition for high school students in Berlin. In 2023, I gave a talk, in 2024, I graded problems.
- I am currently the team leader for a math competitions team at TU Berlin. We are an informal but highly motivated team that meets regularly to solve problems and study various topics in mathematics. If you would like to join us in meetings or future competitions, or engage with our team in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact me.