Graduiertenkolleg: Methods for Discrete Structures

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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Monday Lecture and Colloquium

Monday, June 26, 2017

Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin
room MA 041

Lecture - 14:15

Pavel Valtr - Charles University, Prague

Empty convex polygons in planar point sets

Abstract: We discuss results ond open problems on empty convex polygons in planar point sets related to the Empty Hexagon Theorem described below. Let P be a finite set of points in general position in the plane (i.e., no three points lie on a line). A convex k-gon G is called a k-hole (or empty convex k-gon) of P, if all vertices of G lie in P and no point of P lies inside G. Erdős (early 70's) asked if, for a fixed k, any sufficiently large point set in general position contains a k-hole. Harborth (1978) proved that any set of 10 points in general position in the plane contains a 5-hole and gave a construction of 9 points with no 5-hole. Horton (1983) constructed, for any n, a set of n points in general position in the plane with no 7-hole. The remaining case k=6 became a well-known open problem. Ten years ago Gerken and Nicolás independently solved this problem by showing that any sufficiently large planar point set in general position in the plane contains a 6-hole.

Colloquium - 16:00

Ágnes Cseh - Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Popular Matchings

In this talk we focus on matching markets under preferences. In particular, we investigate a scenario where each agent in a market has an ordered preference list over some other agents and our task is to find an optimal matching of the agents so that it represents a certain global social welfare. A matching M is popular if there is no matching M' such that the vertices that prefer M' to M outnumber those that prefer M to M'. In this talk, we will summarize known results about the existence and structure of popular matchings under various assumptions such as bipartite and general graphs, strictly ordered lists and lists containing ties. We will also pose several open questions of this quickly growing field.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 20.06.2017