Graduiertenkolleg: Methods for Discrete Structures

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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Term schedule for the summer semester 2012

Date Lecture 14 c.t. Colloquium 16 s.t. Location
16.04.12 Maria Axenovich, Karlsruhe
On induced subgraphs of a graph
- - MDS Faculty meeting - -
23.04.12 Csanád Imreh, Szeged
Some online problems on metric spaces
Viola Meszaros, Berlin
The Pizza Problem and its generalizations
30.04.12 Jose Correa, Santiago (Chile)
Quantifying the Inefficiency of Equilibria in Machine Scheduling Games
Maarten Löffler, Utrecht
Category-Based Routing in Social Networks: Membership Dimension and the Small-World Phenomenon
07.05.12 Sebastian Stiller, Berlin
Robust and Adjustable Network Flows
- - cancelled - -
14.05.12 Fernando de Oliveira, Berlin
Packings of bodies in Euclidean space
Agnes Cseh, Berlin
Stable Flows over Time
21.05.12 Raimund Seidel, Saarbrücken
Analyzing String Sorting Algorithms
Nicolai Hähnle, Lausanne
The diameter of polyhedra and volume expansion
04.06.12 Patrice Marcotte, Montreal
Network Design and Equilibrium
Philipp v. Falkenhausen, Berlin
Design of Mechanisms for Good Equilibria
11.06.12 Stefan Felsner, Berlin
Torus Squarings
Julia Böttcher, London
The tree packing conjecture of Gyarfas and Lehel
18.06.12 Gianpaolo Oriolo, Rom
When Fourier-Motzkin meets shortest paths (on the way to clique covers in claw-free perfect graphs)
Roman Glebov, Berlin
On bounded degree spanning trees in the random graph
25.06.12 Xavier Gandibleux, Nantes
Anthony Przybylski, Nantes
Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization
Kai-Simon Goetzmann, Berlin
Reference Point Methods and Approximation in Multiobjective Optimization.
02.07.12 Nicole Megow, Berlin
Scheduling under Uncertainty: Stochastic dynamic policies and universal solutions
Andreas Bley, Berlin
Minimum disruption maintenance scheduling in networks
09.07.12 Rik Sarkar, Berlin
Aggregate Tracking of Mobile Targets Using Differential Forms
- - cancelled - -

Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.07.2012