Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double[][] |
chopConvexPolygonWithLine(double[][] polygon,
double[] line)
The assumption is that the line is specified in such a way that vertices to be cut away
have a negative inner product with the line coordinates.
static int |
getFirstOutsideEdge(double[][] polygon,
boolean[] open,
double[] point) |
static double[] |
imbedMatrixP2InP3(double[] dst,
double[] m3) |
static double[] |
imbedP2InP3(double[] vec4,
double[] vec3)
Convert (x,y,z) into (x,y,0,z)
static boolean |
isConvex(double[][] polygon)
Returns true if and only if the polygon described by the point series polygon is convex.
static double[] |
lineFromPoints(double[] line,
double[] p1,
double[] p2)
Calculate the line coordinates of the line connecting the two points p1 and p2.
static double[] |
makeDirectIsometryFromFrame(double[] dst,
double[] point,
double[] xdir,
int metric)
Generate a direct isometry which maps the frame F determined by point and xdir to the
standard frame represented by the identity matrix.
static double[] |
makeDirectIsometryFromFrames(double[] dst,
double[] p0,
double[] p1,
double[] q0,
double[] q1,
int signature)
Generate a direct isometry that carries the frame determined by p0 and p1 to that determined
by q0 and q1.
static double[] |
normalizeLine(double[] dst,
double[] src) |
static double[] |
perpendicularBisector(double[] dst,
double[] p1,
double[] p2,
int metric)
Calculate the perpendicular bisector of the segment p1 and p2 with metricnature metricnature
static double[] |
pointFromLines(double[] point,
double[] l1,
double[] l2)
Calculate the homogeneous coordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines l1 and l2.
static boolean |
polygonContainsPoint(double[][] polygon,
boolean[] open,
double[] point) |
static boolean |
polygonContainsPoint(double[][] polygon,
double[] point)
Returns true if and only if point is within the polygon determined by the
points contained in the array polygon.
static double[] |
projectP3ToP2(double[] vec3,
double[] vec4)
Convert the input (x,y,z,w) into (x,y,w).
public static double[] perpendicularBisector(double[] dst, double[] p1, double[] p2, int metric)
- p1
- p2
- metric
- public static double[] pointFromLines(double[] point, double[] l1, double[] l2)
- l1
- l2
- public static double[] lineFromPoints(double[] line, double[] p1, double[] p2)
- l1
- l2
- public static double[] normalizeLine(double[] dst, double[] src)
public static boolean polygonContainsPoint(double[][] polygon, double[] point)
- point
- public static boolean polygonContainsPoint(double[][] polygon, boolean[] open, double[] point)
public static int getFirstOutsideEdge(double[][] polygon, boolean[] open, double[] point)
public static boolean isConvex(double[][] polygon)
- public static double[][] chopConvexPolygonWithLine(double[][] polygon, double[] line)
- line
- public static double[] makeDirectIsometryFromFrames(double[] dst, double[] p0, double[] p1, double[] q0, double[] q1, int signature)
makeDirectIsometryFromFrame(double[], double[], double[], int)
- p0
- p1
- q0
- q1
- signature
- public static double[] makeDirectIsometryFromFrame(double[] dst, double[] point, double[] xdir, int metric)
- point
- xdir
- metric
- public static double[] projectP3ToP2(double[] vec3, double[] vec4)
- vec4
- public static double[] imbedP2InP3(double[] vec4, double[] vec3)
- vec3
- public static double[] imbedMatrixP2InP3(double[] dst, double[] m3)