Use a thickened surface factory

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Source file: ThickenedSurfaceExample

JavaDoc: ThickenedSurfaceFactory

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The ThickenedSurfaceFactory is a useful factory for converting surface desciptions to thickened 3D volumes, suitable for printing with a 3D printer.

  • The factory perforates the resulting thickened surface, putting holes through each of the original faces.

The following example demonstrates how this works for a simple tessellated icosahedron consisting of 80 triangles. Additionally, a texture is created and applied to the surface which is one color on the outside of the perforated surface and one color on the other side, with a smooth transition along the edge of the hole.

public class ThickenedSurfaceExample {
  public static void main(String[] args)  {
    SceneGraphComponent world = SceneGraphUtility.createFullSceneGraphComponent("world");
    Appearance ap = world.getAppearance();
    DefaultGeometryShader dgs = (DefaultGeometryShader) 
       ShaderUtility.createDefaultGeometryShader(ap, true);
    DefaultPolygonShader dps = (DefaultPolygonShader) dgs.getPolygonShader();
    IndexedFaceSet surface = SphereUtility.tessellatedIcosahedronSphere(1); 
    ThickenedSurfaceFactory tsf = new ThickenedSurfaceFactory(surface);    // constructor requires a surface
    tsf.setThickness(.05);        // distance between top and bottom
    tsf.setMakeHoles(true);        // boolean
    tsf.setHoleFactor(.5);        // values smaller than one make the holes bigger
    tsf.setStepsPerEdge(6);        // each original edge is replaced by 6 segments
    tsf.setCurvedEdges(true);      // force boundary curves to be tanget at vertices
    tsf.setProfileCurve(new double[][]{{0,0}, {0,.4},{.1, .5},{.9, .5},{1.0, .4},{1,0}});
    IndexedFaceSet thickSurface = tsf.getThickenedSurface();
   * Construct a texture that is half one color, half the other
   * @param texap
  private static void setupTexture(Appearance texap) {
    double[] c1 = {1,.8, 0,1}, c2 = {.4,1,0, 1};
    double blend = 0.0;
    byte[] im = new byte[128 * 128 * 4];
    int k1 = 50, k2 = 128-50;
    for (int i = 0; i<128; ++i)  {
      for (int j = 0; j< 128; ++j)  {
        int I = 4*(i*128+j);
        if (j <= k1 ) { blend = 1.0; }
        else if (j >= k2) { blend = 0.0; }
        else {
          blend = 1.0-(1.0*(j-k1))/(k2-k1);
        double[] bc = Rn.linearCombination(null, blend, c1, 1.0-blend, c2);
        for (int k=0; k<4; ++k) im[I+k] = (byte) (255 * bc[k]);
    Texture2D tex2d = (Texture2D) AttributeEntityUtility
    .createAttributeEntity(Texture2D.class, "polygonShader.texture2d", texap, true);  
    ImageData it = new ImageData(im, 128, 128);
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