Loading geometry

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JReality Tutorial: Contents

We'll load a simple geometric object into our viewer. Choose File->Open files from the application menu. In the open dialog box, you should see the contents of the standard jReality data directory testData3D. Select the directory tutorial and in this directory choose the file dodec.off. You should see something like the following:

After loading a dodecahedron

You can rotate the object by dragging with the left mouse. You can translate by dragging with the middle mouse. The click wheel on the mouse can be used to zoom in and out (changing the camera's field of view). What effects the mouse actions have depend on which tools are installed in your scene graph. To learn more about jReality tools, see Tools.

If you zoom out and then type the 'e' key, the Encompass tool is activated, and the object should once more fill the window. But this is done by moving the world, not changing the camera's field of view. See Setting the camera for more details on the camera.

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