Search found 15 matches

by MarcelP
Mon 12. Dec 2016, 18:16
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: test
Replies: 2
Views: 733

Re: test

another test
by MarcelP
Thu 8. Dec 2016, 13:59
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: test
Replies: 2
Views: 733

Re: test

Ah. dont worry if you see a fail notification after hitting "submit". We get it too but the post is still successful.
by MarcelP
Thu 8. Dec 2016, 13:57
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: test
Replies: 2
Views: 733


just a test post to see the how the updating servers are doing
by MarcelP
Tue 22. Nov 2016, 15:12
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: User Tutorials
Replies: 3
Views: 480

Re: User Tutorials

I am really sorry. Our main staff moved on and over the summer a lack of anyone present for doing maintenance caused the university to shut the server down temporarily.
by MarcelP
Mon 11. Jul 2016, 16:25
Forum: Virtual Reality Viewer
Topic: JRViewerVR from jnlp on java 1.8.0_72
Replies: 1
Views: 540

Re: JRViewerVR from jnlp on java 1.8.0_72

Oh thanks for pointing this one out. Our shaders are read from a folder and each OS has a slightly different syntax for that task. What OS are you using? Try preventing the PostProcessingHelperMenu from getting added as a plugin. I think it happens in the JRViewer public void addBasicUI() { c.regist...
by MarcelP
Mon 11. Jul 2016, 16:17
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: User Tutorials
Replies: 3
Views: 480

Re: User Tutorials

Yes we noticed too and are working on it. We have to fix something complicated in the database. Thanks for pointing out.
by MarcelP
Mon 11. Jul 2016, 16:15
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: jogl3
Replies: 1
Views: 350

Re: jogl3

Both use jogamp as you get it from the website. jogl uses the old rendering techniques while jogl3 uses the newer render system as establish in OpenGL 3. jogl and jogl3 are two different viewer inside jReality. Picking one means using a specific render cycle. In theory jogl3 should run faster but im...
by MarcelP
Mon 11. Jul 2016, 16:05
Forum: Installation
Topic: JOGL problem - gluegen-rt.dll
Replies: 1
Views: 813

Re: JOGL problem - gluegen-rt.dll

Hello lory,

I hope the error is gone now. This had occupied us for a very long time.

Try cleaning your java webstart cache.

Sorry for the late reply

by MarcelP
Wed 9. Mar 2016, 20:15
Forum: General jReality Discussion
Topic: Embed jReality in a webpage, like an applet?
Replies: 1
Views: 606

Re: Embed jReality in a webpage, like an applet?

We have not managed to do so at all and we really wanted that inside the wiki. Please tell us if you come across a way to do this.
by MarcelP
Wed 9. Mar 2016, 20:12
Forum: Programming Help
Topic: How to display a help page inside a plugin?
Replies: 1
Views: 575

Re: How to display a help page inside a plugin?

For example in the ContentAppearance plugin you can find this: @Override public PluginInfo getPluginInfo() { PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo(); = "Content Appearance"; info.vendorName = "Ulrich Pinkall"; info.icon = ImageHook.getIcon("lupeblau.png"); return info; } @Override public String...
by MarcelP
Wed 9. Mar 2016, 20:00
Forum: Programming Help
Topic: Color individual faces on click tool
Replies: 1
Views: 404

Re: Color individual faces on click tool

That is a good idea. I would use the DragStart and DragEnd to implement this. Try this: +++At dragStart store the time with ct = System.currentTimeMillis +++in dragged wrap the code in an if(System.currentTimeMillis - ct) > treshhold){ run the drag code} +++at dragEnd check if if(System.currentTimeM...
by MarcelP
Wed 9. Mar 2016, 19:08
Forum: Programming Help
Topic: User Interface rendering problem in Mac
Replies: 1
Views: 384

Re: User Interface rendering problem in Mac

We have a hunch on how to solve this problem but we can't test it soon since we don't have macs at our disposal. The problem is inside the simpleController where the JFrames are.
by MarcelP
Thu 3. Dec 2015, 18:54
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Back face culling does not work with JOGL3
Replies: 3
Views: 756

Re: Back face culling does not work with JOGL3

sphere patch. Culling confirmed
jrealityNoBug.jpg (56.49 KiB) Viewed 553 times
by MarcelP
Tue 1. Dec 2015, 19:06
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Back face culling does not work with JOGL3
Replies: 3
Views: 756

Re: Back face culling does not work with JOGL3

A working jogl3 version with backface culling has been pushed to the following develop branch
Activated by scene.getRootAppearance().setAttribute(CommonAttributes.BACK_FACE_CULLING_ENABLED, true);

It will soon be available