For our forum is now RSS available. So we will give you a short introduction of using RSS-feeds
What are Feeds?
Feeds are a kind of newsticker, They are used by news-sites, webblogs or forums to inform about articles on their website. The gain for users is, that they can check new articles without visiting the site. The most used feed-format is RSS. For using feeds you need a Feedreader also known as RSS-Reader or Aggregator. These are programs, which can gather and display feeds [1]. A RSS-function is already integrated for some Web-browsers and E-mail-programms, too [2].
How-To subscribe feeds:
Firefox Version 3.0:
If you are using Firefox, you can subscribe feeds as a dynamical bookmark.
Click at the RSS-sign at the address-field -> subscribe: 'all forums' -> new site will be loeded -> subscribe this feed as a: 'dynamical bookmark' -> subscribe
Extern Reader:
If you are using an extern feed-reader, than it should normally work like that:
-> copy the feed-link -> paste the link into the extern program and subscribe
[1] Common feedreader:
liferea prog for linux
amphetadesk prog for win, linux, mac
feedreader prog for win
vienna open source prog for mac
c2tn desktop-integrated feedreader for win, linux
akregator KDE-Feedreader
google reader webbased-reader for your browser
rssowl platform independent
[2] Integrated Reader: