I've been trying to install jReality in vain. I discovered the "getting started document" and followed it until I could, but nothing worked. I say 'until I could' because in the latest 3rd party packages I couldn't find jtem-beans.jar. Browsing older packages I found one, but apparently that wasn't the only cause for my problems.
So, in summary, I downloaded the latest packages and followed the instructions to compile the tutorial, copied jtem-beans.jar from an older release and then I typed:
Code: Select all
javac -cp ../jReality.jar:../lib/jtem-beans.jar de/jreality/tutorial/*/*.java
Code: Select all
de/jreality/tutorial/app/AnimatedTextureExample.java:12: package de.jreality.geometry does not exist
import de.jreality.geometry.Primitives;