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U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Fri 12. Jun 2009, 20:40
by Joe
the U3D writer renders lines with a width of 1.0 as tubes, instead of real lines like the JOGL- and softviewer:

3 lines as triangle (JOGL renderer):

Same geometry exported into U3D file:

Heres the example code to reproduce the two images:

Code: Select all

import java.awt.Color;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import de.jreality.geometry.IndexedLineSetFactory;
import de.jreality.scene.Appearance;
import de.jreality.scene.SceneGraphComponent;
import de.jreality.shader.CommonAttributes;
import de.jreality.ui.viewerapp.ViewerApp;
import de.jreality.util.CameraUtility;
import de.jreality.writer.u3d.WriterU3D;

public class U3DTest {
	public static void main(String[] arguments){
		double[][] verticesArray = new double[][]{	{9.784843058305507E-21, 1.5823993035485093E-18, 3.6370738623165664E-18},
													{0.03703248128294945, 0.03703248128294945, 0.012537581846117973},
													{0.04300964996218681, 0.014725378714501858, 0.028867514804005623}};
		int[][] lineIndicesArray = new int[][]{{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}};
		IndexedLineSetFactory indexedLineSetFactory = new IndexedLineSetFactory();
		indexedLineSetFactory.setEdgeColors(new Color[]{Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE});

		Appearance appearance = new Appearance();
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.POINT_RADIUS,         1.0);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.POINT_SIZE,           1.0);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.LINE_WIDTH,           1.0);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.VERTEX_DRAW,          false);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.EDGE_DRAW,            true);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.FACE_DRAW,            false);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.TUBES_DRAW,           false);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.LIGHTING_ENABLED,     true);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.ANTIALIASING_ENABLED, false);
		appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.POLYGON_SHADER + "." + CommonAttributes.SMOOTH_SHADING, false);

		SceneGraphComponent sceneGraphComponent = new SceneGraphComponent();

		try {
			FileOutputStream u3dFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("d:\\test.pdf.u3d");
			WriterU3D.write(new JrScene(sceneGraphComponent), u3dFileOutputStream);
		} catch(Exception exception){

		ViewerApp viewerApp = new ViewerApp(sceneGraphComponent);


		JFrame frame = new JFrame();
		frame.setBounds(50, 50, 300, 300);

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Sat 13. Jun 2009, 13:55
by sechel
Hi Joe,
by the time I wrote the U3D backend the acrobat reader 7.0 did not render line sets at all. So I had to substitute all lines by tubes regardles if those were only lines in jreality. However I expect adobe has been working on the renderer in the meantime and I'll have to sit down and try again. I will do this next week I promise!

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Tue 16. Jun 2009, 10:47
by gunn
Here's a suggestion to try, until U3D can actually draw lines.

The idea is to draw tubes that look as much as possible like the lines you want to draw. Here's how:

Assuming sgc is the SceneGraphComponent containing your lines:

Code: Select all

Appearance ap = sgc.getAppearance();
DefaultGeometryShader dgs = ShaderUtility.createDefaultGeometryShader(ap, true);
DefaultLineShader dls = (DefaultLineShader) dgs.createLineShader("default");
dls.setTubeRadius(.02);  // or whatever works
RenderingHintsShader rhs = ShaderUtility.createDefaultRenderingHintsShader(ap, true);
rhs.setLightingEnabled(false);  // don't want shading

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Tue 16. Jun 2009, 11:10
by steffen
Or (instead of creating the Shader objects) you can also set the attributes directly:

Code: Select all

appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.TUBE_DRAW, true);
appearance.setAttribute(CommonAttributes.TUBE_RADIUS, 0.02);

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Wed 1. Jul 2009, 13:49
by sechel
I started working on various improvements in the U3D Writer. These include:

* Colors for vertices, edges and faces. Actually jreality seems to have bugs when
handling edge colors, so mabe we will have to fix these first.
* Real point and line-sets. Hopefully the Adobe Reader supports them now
* Memory footprint reduction for big models

So stay tuned.

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Thu 2. Jul 2009, 17:46
sechel wrote:Hello,
I started working on various improvements in the U3D Writer. These include:

* Colors for vertices, edges and faces. Actually jreality seems to have bugs when
handling edge colors, so mabe we will have to fix these first.
* Real point and line-sets. Hopefully the Adobe Reader supports them now
* Memory footprint reduction for big models

So stay tuned.

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Wed 16. Dec 2009, 21:45
by Joe
Hi Sechel,
what's the current status? With the last and the current release, no lines are rendered any more. Also the colors of surfaces still seem to be unsupported.

Are you still working on the new features?


Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Sat 16. Jan 2010, 21:54
by Joe
Hi Sechel,
with the release of 2010-01-12, the lines are still not rendered anymore. The colors of surfaces aren't supported. What's the status of your announced improvements?

Best regards, Joe

Re: U3D writer renders lines always as tubes

Posted: Mon 22. Mar 2010, 21:02
by gunn
Please see this thread for new developments with the u3d/pdf writer: ... ?f=11&t=45