Diplomanden- und Doktorandenseminar
Numerische Mathematik SS 2005

Dozenten: Matthias Bollhöfer, Christian Mehl, Volker Mehrmann, Reinhard Nabben, Caren Tischendorf, Harry Yserentant
Koordination: Christian Mehl
LV-Termine:Do 10:10-11:05 oder Do 10:10-12:00 in MA 376
Inhalt: Vorträge von Diplomanden, Doktoranden, Postdocs und manchmal auch Gästen zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen

Vollständige vorläufige Terminplanung:
Datum Uhrzeit Raum Vortragende(r) Titel
Do 14.4.2005 10:05 MA 376
Do 21.4.2005 10:05 MA 376
Michael Schmidt Controllability of Couette flows (Abstract)
Do 28.4.2005 10:05 MA 376
Martin Bodestedt Index and perturbation analysis of coupled circuit and semiconductor equations (Abstract)
  im An-
MA 376
Lisa Poppe
(Uni Münster)
An Application of Optimal Control Theory with Time Delays in Several State Variables: The Innate Immune Response (Abstract)
Do 12.5.2005 10:05 MA 376
Elena Virnik Positive (Descriptor) Systems: An Introduction (Abstract)
Do 19.5.2005 10:05 MA 376
Marion Rauscher The electronic Schroedinger equation (Abstract)
Do 2.6.2005 10:05 MA 376
Jerry Gagelman On the Regularity of the Electronic Schrödinger Equation (Abstract)
Do 9.6.2005 10:05 MA 376
Christian Schröder Avoiding cancellation when computing the symmetric/anti-symmetric part of a matrix?? (Abstract)
Do 16.6.2005 10:10 MA 376
Simone Bächle Null space methods and the solution of algebraic constraints of circuit DAEs
  im An-
MA 376
Lena Wunderlich Application Classes of Second Order and Coupled Differential-Algebraic Systems (Abstract)
Do 23.6.2005 10:10 MA 376
Falk Ebert Dynamic iteration for electrical circuits (Abstract)
  im An-
MA 376
Emre Mengi Fast Methods for Estimating the Distance to Uncontrollability for Linear Systems (Abstract)
Do 30.6.2005 10:10 MA 376
Andreas Steinbrecher Numerical simulation of mechanical systems
  im An-
MA 376
Britta Leupold Stability of linear differential algebraic equations
Do 14.7.2005 10:10 MA 376
Sonja Schlauch  

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Abstracts zu den Vorträgen:

Michael Schmidt (TU Berlin)
Controllability of Couette flows
Do 21.4.2005, 10:05 Uhr in MA 376

In a first part we give a short overview of results and open problems concerning the controllability of partial differential equations, with focus on the Navier-Stokes equations modelling the flow of incompressible viscous fluids. In a second part we investigate the particular problem of controlling Navier-Stokes equations between two infinite rotating coaxial cylinders. We prove that it is possible to move from a given Couette flow, that is a special stationary solution, to another one, by controlling the rotation velocity of the outer cylinder.


Martin Bodestedt (TU Berlin)
Index and perturbation analysis of coupled circuit and semiconductor equations
Do 28.4.2005, 10:05 Uhr in MA 376

We perform an index analysis on a model of an integrated circuit with some semiconductor devices modelled as distributed elements.

Existing index criteria for finite dimensional DAEs describing lumped circuits are generalised to abstract circuit DAEs of this kind. For finite DAEs the correlation between the perturbation index and the tractability index has been established. We present simulation some results concerning the expected correlation in the infinite dimensional case.

Introductory literature:

Lisa Poppe (Universität Münster)
An Application of Optimal Control Theory with Time Delays in Several State Variables: The Innate Immune Response
Do 28.4.2005, ca. 11:05 Uhr in MA 376

The treatment of a pathogenic disease process can be interpreted as the optimal control of a dynamic system. This system describes the innate immune response and consists of both ordinary differential equations and delay differentail equations (DDEs). An introduction to optimal control problems with constant time delays is given as well as the idea of a proof of the minimum principle for this type of problem. Optimal solutions are shown for several variations of the model. I will also discuss second order sufficient condition for the non-delayed case of the studied model and show that there are still lots of interesting open questions concerning time-delayed optimal control problems.


Lena Wunderlich (TU Berlin)
Application Classes of Second Order and Coupled Differential-Algebraic Systems
Do 16.6.2005, circa 11:05 Uhr in MA 376

Second order systems of differential-algebraic equations arise naturally in industrial applications.
We will introduce some application classes of second order differential-algebraic systems. Among others we will consider multibody systems, electrical circuits and micro-electro mechanical systems. In addition we give examples of coupled systems consisting of differential-algebraic equations and partial differential equations.

Falk Ebert (TU Berlin)
Dynamic iteration for electrical circuits
Do 23.6.2005, 10:10 Uhr in MA 376

Dynamic Iteration is a method for the simulation of coupled systems that allows for different solvers for each subsystem. It has been a well understood but little used method for ODEs. For DAEs, it requires the solution of additional linear systems in order to work properly. Recently, industry has become interested because it would probably allow to solve the DAE systems that arise in circuit simulation more efficiently. We give a short introduction to Dynamic itaration and we show its application to curcuit DAEs. Furthermore, a method will be presented to circumvent the additional linear systems needed for convergence of the method.

Suggested literature:

Emre Mengi (New York, USA)
Fast Methods for Estimating the Distance to Uncontrollability for Linear Systems
Do 23.6.2005, circa 11:05 Uhr in MA 376

The distance to controllability for a linear control system is the distance (in the 2-norm) to the nearest uncontrollable system. I will present two algorithms based on methods of Gu and Burke-Lewis-Overton that estimate the distance to uncontrollability to any prescribed accuracy. The first method requires O(n^4) operations on average, which is an improvement over previous methods which have complexity O(n^6), where n is the size of the system. The second method requires O(n^3/tol) operations with tol denoting the accuracy with which we want to retrieve the distance to uncontrollability. The second method is well-suited to estimate the distance to uncontrollability with a few digits of precision. Numerical experiments indicate that the new methods are reliable in practice.

Keywords: distance to uncontrollability, complex controllability radius, trisection, real eigenvalue extraction, shifted inverse iteration, shift-and-invert Arnoldi, Sylvester equation, Kronecker product.

Impressum Christian Mehl 20.6.2005