Numerik-Oberseminar WS 2001/02

Dozenten: Rolf Dieter Grigorieff, Volker Mehrmann, Fredi Tröltzsch
Koordination: Christian Mehl
LV-Termine:Di 16-18 in MA 750 oder n.V.
Inhalt: Vorträge von Diplomanden, Doktoranden, Mitarbeitern und Gästen zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen

Vollständige vorläufige Terminplanung:
Datum Uhrzeit Raum Vortragende(r) Titel
Di 16.10.2001 16:15 MA 742 -------
Vorbesprechung zwecks Terminplanung
Di 23.10.2001 16:15 MA 742 Roswitha März
(HU Berlin)
Reguläre DAEs mit properem Hauptterm
Di 30.10.2001 16:15 MA 742 Fredi Tröltzsch
(TU Berlin)
Eine Methode der Momentansteuerung bei der optimalen Kühlung von Profistählen (Abstract)
Di 6.11.2001 16:15 MA 742 Birgit Faermann
(TU Berlin)
Adaptive Randelementmethoden
Di 13.11.2001 16:15 MA 750 Viatcheslav Sokolov
(TU Berlin)
Some Properties of Structured Pseudospectra of Toeplitz and Laurent Matrices (Abstract)
Di 20.11.2001 16:15 MA 750 Chunchao Shi
(TU Berlin)
On perturbation analysis for quadratic eigenvalue problems (Abstract)
Mi 21.11.2001 16:15 MA 407 Michael Hinze
(TU Dresden)
Optimierung und Kontrolle mit den Navier-Stokes Gleichungen (Abstract)
Di 4.12.2001 16:15 MA 750 Volker Mehrmann
(TU Berlin)
Numerical Methods for Lyapunov, and Algebraic Riccati Equations (Abstract)
Di 11.12.2001 16:15 MA 750 Peter Lancaster
(Calgary, Kanada)
Recent results in perturbation theory for analytic matrix functions (Abstract)
Di 8.1.2002 16:15 MA 750 Jörg Liesen
(University of Illinois, USA)
Fast solvers for indefinite linear systems applied in constrained optimization (Abstract)
Di 15.1.2002 16:15 MA 750 Ingo Seufer
(TU Berlin)
Numerical computation of Moore-Penrose pseudo inverses of differential-algebraic operators
Di 22.1.2002 16:15 MA 750 Etienne Emmrich
(TU Berlin)
Theorie der zeitabhängigen, inkompressiblen Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen (Abstract)
Di 29.1.2002 16:15 MA 750 Kresimir Veselic
(Fernuniversität Hagen)
Das quadratische Eigenwertproblem (Abstract)
Mi 30.1.2002 16:15 MA 850 Tomas Roubicek
(Karls-Universität Prag)
Optimization of flow of incompressible viscous fluids (Abstract)
Di 5.2.2002 16:15 MA 750 Christian Marwitz und
Andreas Steinbrecher
(TU Berlin)
General modelling of hybrid kinematics with respect to its calibration (Abstract)
Di 12.2.2002 16:15 MA 750 Andrea Dziubek
(TU Berlin)
Moving boundaries and free surfaces
Di 5.3.2002 16:15 MA 750 Eduardo Casas
(Santander, Spanien)
Error Estimates for the Numerical Approximation of Semilinear Elliptic Control Problems

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Rückblick: Das Numerik-Oberseminar SS 2001

Abstracts zu den Vorträgen:

Fredi Tröltzsch, TU Berlin
Eine Methode der Momentansteuerung bei der optimalen Kühlung von Profistählen
Di 30.10.2001, 16:15 Uhr in MA 742

Im Vortrag wird die Aufgabe behandelt, gewalzte Profilstähle in Wasser-Luft-Kühlstrecken optimal gesteuert abzukühlen. Die Steuerungsvariablen entsprechen den Intensitäten regelbarer Wasserdüsen, und der Abkühlungsprozess wird durch ein Anfangsrandwertproblem bei einer quasilinearen Wärmeleitgleichung beschrieben. Außerdem sind Schranken an die Steuerungen und an die Stahltemperatur vorgegeben. Die numerische Behandlung des Problems ergibt eine hochdimensionale nichtlineare Optimierungsaufgabe, welche nur mit enormem Zeitaufwand numerisch gelöst werden kann. Im Vortrag wird gezeigt, wie mit Hilfe einer Methode der Momentansteuerung (instantaneous control) die Rechenzeit drastisch gesenkt werden kann. Als interessanter Nebeneffekt dieser Technik ergibt sich die Möglichkeit der Berücksichtigung von diskreten Steuerungsvariablen.

Viatcheslav Sokolov, TU Berlin
Some Properties of Structured Pseudospectra of Toeplitz and Laurent Matrices
Di 13.11.2001, 16:15 Uhr in MA 750

The structured pseudospectra arise naturally when studying the spectral properties of a model with structured uncertainties. Here we investigate the stability of the spectra of infinite Toeplitz and Laurent matrices under the perturbation localized in some block. The main result is that the spectrum of a Toeplitz matrix with rational symbol is not affected by such perturbation. Also some results on approximation of the structured pseudospectrum of a infinite Toeplitz matrix with the structured pseudospectra of its finite sections will be presented.

Chunchao Shi, TU Berlin
On perturbation analysis for quadratic eigenvalue problems
Di 20.11.2001, 16:15 Uhr in MA 750

The quadratic eigenvalue problems (QEP):

(t^2 M+tC+K) x = 0,

where M, C, K are n*n complex matrices, the nonzero x is the right eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue t, arise in many applications, including the finite element analysis of automobile brakes, earthquake engineering, the analysis of conservative and non-conservative structural systems, and least square problems with quadratic constraints. The standard way of dealing with the problems concerned with QEPs is to reformulate it into an equivalent and ``effective'' generalized eigenvalue problem (GEP), by means of which the definitions and evaluation expressions of the normwise backward errors and conditioning numbers for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of QEPs are discussed.

Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin
Numerical Methods for Lyapunov, and Algebraic Riccati Equations
Di 4.12.2001, 16:15 Uhr in MA 750

This is an elementary short course that was designed for the SIAM conference on Linear Algebra in Control Signals and Systems.
It gives an overview over the state-of-the-art in numerical methods for the solution of matrix equations of Lyapunov and Riccati type. It also discusses the application of these methods to H_2 and H_oo control.

Jörg Liesen, University of Illinois, IL, USA
Fast solvers for indefinite linear systems applied in constrained optimization
Di 8.1.2002, 16:15 Uhr in MA 750

In this talk we will consider the numerical solution of indefinite linear systems. Such systems arise in a variety of applications. Examples include linearized Navier-Stokes equations, saddle-point and linear least-squares problems, and constrained optimization. Our focus is on block two-by-two systems known as KKT systems in optimization or Stokes systems in fluid dynamics. We will present a new class of preconditioners for solving such systems, which is based on splittings of the (1,1) block of the matrix. Different splittings lead to different preconditioners, and we will show some theoretical results about the preconditioned matrices, e.g., their eigenvalue distributions.
Results related to the eigenvalue and eigenvector structure of the preconditioned matrices will allow us to discuss the convergence behavior of Krylov subspace methods such as GMRES for these matrices. In addition we will show how to solve the preconditioned linear systems by a fixed point iteration. Numerical examples will include applications in constrained optimization (arising in surface parameterization).
The talk is based on joint work in progress with Eric de Sturler.

Etienne Emmrich, TU Berlin
Theorie der zeitabhängigen, inkompressiblen Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen
Di 22.1.2002, 16:15 Uhr in MA 750

Es soll ein Überblick über wichtige Resultate aus der Analysis des instationären, inkompressiblen Navier-Stokes-Problems gegeben werden. Ausgehend von der druckfreien schwachen Formulierung werden Existenz, Einzigkeit und Regularität schwacher Lösungen im zwei- und dreidimensionalen Fall untersucht. Insbesondere wird auch der Zusammenhang zwischen Glattheit der Lösung, Bedingungen an die Kompatibilität der Daten und parabolischer Glättungseigenschaft beleuchtet.

Tomas Roubicek, Karls-Universität Prag
Optimization of flow of incompressible viscous fluids
Mi 30.1.2002, 16:15 Uhr in MA 850

The talk will overview some results in optimal control (or possibly with several controls and several cost functionals in a Nash' noncooperative setting) of flows governed by the Navier-Stokes system (or possibly by the Oberbeck-Bussinesq system). A special attention will be paid to a convexity of the overall cost functional(s), which requires special physical conditions like smallness of Reynolds' number and which guearantees, e.g. sufficiency of the maximum principle or existence of a Nash equilibria.

Christian Marwitz und Andreas Steinbrecher (TU Berlin)
General modelling of hybrid kinematics with respect to its calibration
Di 5.2.2002, 16:15 Uhr in MA 750

During the production of many goods the working precision of the machine is very important. But the manufacturing of such machines cannot be done with the required precision. For obtaining the necessary working precison, the machine has to be calibrated, i.e., the control has to be adapted such that it realizes the precise movement of the tool. Alternatively, as it will be done in our case, one can also identify the actual parameters of the already manufactured machine. Then the model has to be adapted to the actual situation. Therefore, the control which is computed with respect to the model will be adapted such that the precise movement of the tool is realized.
For calibration, one first needs a model of the machine that contains all possible or necessary perturbations of parameters but not too many. Otherwise, a calibration would not be possible, not be unique, or not be efficient.
The talk presents a modelling strategy of arbitrary hybrid kinematics that includes all necessary parameters which have to be identified. The model of an hybrid kinematic is defined by a set of nonlinear implicit equations. By solving these nonlinear equations, one can compute the position of the endeffector by given control or vice versa. These computed positions can be compared with the actual positions of the endeffector, and with the help of these comparisons one can identify the actual parameters.

Impressum Christian Mehl 12.05.2003