A formula for the derivative with respect to domain variations in Navier-Stokes flow based on an embedding domain method

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Author(s) : Thomas Slawig

Preprint series : to appear in SIAM Contr. Opt.

MSC 2000

49Q10 Optimization of shapes other than minimal surfaces
76D05 Navier-Stokes equations

Abstract :
Fr\'echet differentiability and a formula for the derivative with respect to dom ain variation of a general class of cost functionals under the constraint of the two-dimensional stationary incompressible Navier-Sto kes equations are shown. An embedding domain technique provides an equivalent formulation of the problem on a fixed domain and leads to a simple and computationally cheap line integral formula for the deriva tive of the cost functional with respect to domain variation. Existence of a solution to the corresponding domain optimization problems is proved. A numerical example shows the effectivity of the derivative formula.

Keywords : domain optimization, Navier-Stokes equations, embedding domain technique