Nachwuchsforscherinnen in Stochastik
Junior female researchers in probability
Berlin and Potsdam, 10-11 October 2013

Aim of the conference
The Graduate School "Stochastic analysis with applications in biology, finance and physics" and the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) are organizing a two-day workshop "Junior female researchers in stochastics", which will take place in
Berlin and Potsdam on 10-11 October, 2013.
The goal of the workshop is to offer junior female researchers in stochastics a platform to talk about their own research work and to get acquainted with important research topics presented by
well-established female researchers. To cover various topics in probability and its applications, several invited talks are planned, as well as a number of contributed talks, which will be chosen by the organizing committee among the submitted abstracts.
Organizing committee:
Sylvie Roelly (Universität Potsdam),
Noemi Kurt (TU Berlin),
Zorana Grbac (TU Berlin, Paris 7).
nf-stoch (at) math.tu-berlin.de
Poster of the conference(pdf)
The possibility to attend the workshop is of course open to everybody. However, the contributed talks and the financial support will be reserved for female researchers only.
Please find the (preliminary) program of the workshop (pdf) and the book of abstracts here. You will get a printed version of the book of abstracts at registration.
Invited talks
Alessandra Bianchi (Padova): Random Walk in a one-dimensional Lévy random environment. Abstract
Kathrin Glau (München): Weak solutions of the Kolmogorov backward equations for option pricing in Lévy models. Abstract
Bénédicte Haas (Paris): Scaling limits of large random trees. Abstract
Sabine Jansen (Bochum): Metastability at low temperature for continuum interacting particle systems. Abstract
Anja Sturm (Göttingen): On particle systems with cooperative branching and coalescence. Abstract
Talk slides
Olga Aryasova
Alessandra Bianchi
Oriane Blondel
Rebekka Brink-Spalink
Camille Coron
Kathrin Glau
Bénédicte Haas
Marion Hesse
Olga Izyumtseva
Sabine Jansen
Nicole Mücke
Cornelia Pokalyuk
Petra Posedel
Elena Ragulina
Maurizia Rossi
Marielle Simon
Emilie Soret
Anja Sturm
Maud Thomas
Preliminary list of registered participants (as of October 04)
Practical information
On Thursday October 10 the workshop will take place at the Universität Potsdam, am Neuen Palais (map of the campus). The mathematics building, house 8, can be localized on this map. The talks will be in room 59 (ground floor).
On Friday October 11 the talks will be held at the Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, room MA 041 (ground floor), building MA on this map.
Public transport in and between Berlin and Potsdam works in general very well. In order to travel from Berlin to Potsdam (or vice versa) you can buy a ticket for zones A,B and C which allows you to take any S-Bahn, Underground, Bus or Regional train between Berlin and Potsdam (including Schönefeld airport). A ticket valid for two hours costs 3.20 Euros, a ticket for a whole day costs 7.20. If you travel only inside Berlin (including Tegel airport) it is enough to buy a ticket for zones A and B, which costs 2.60 (2 hours) or 6.70 (whole day).
Website of Berlin and Brandenburg public transport
Website of the Berlin public transport
How to reach Potsdam University (Thursday talks):
- From Berlin: From Zoologischer Garten Station, take the regional train (RE 1 in direction of Brandenburg, RB 21 in direction of Wustermark or RB 22 in direction of Flughafen Schönefeld) until the small railway station "Potsdam, Park Sans Souci". The Neues Palais campus is at 10 minutes walking distance. The mathematics building, house 8, is the first building on the left map. Convenient trains for the conference are the RB 22 leaving Zoologischer Garten at 9:00 and arriving at Potsdam Park Sanssouci at 9:22, or the RB 21 leaving Zoologischer Garten at 9:26 and arriving at Potsdam Park Sanssouci at 9:48.
- From Potsdam Schlossgarten Hotel just walk 10 minutes trough the Park Sans Souci.
How to reach TU Berlin (Friday talks):
- From Berlin: Take the underground line U2 until stop Ernst Reuter Platz (5 minutes walking distance), or S-Bahn S5, S7, S75 to stop Tiergarten (10 minutes walking distance). The mathematics building is located in Strasse des 17. Juni 136, just opposite the TU main building and marked MA on this map.
- From Hotel Heidelberg, TU is at walking distance. From Motel One Ku'damm, you may either walk or take the U-Bahn.
- From Potsdam, take the RE 1, RB 21 or RB 22 to Berlin Zoologischer Garten. Then you can either walk (approximately 15 minutes) or take the U-Bahn or S-Bahn.
Participants are requested to book their own accommodation. The following hotels have pre-booked a number of rooms and/or provide special rates for participants of the conference (please indicate the booking code and the name of the conference when making a reservation):
- Hotel Heidelberg Berlin
Pre-reservation until Sept. 10, Booking code "IFM"
Knesebeckstrasse 15,
10623 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 313 01 03,
Fax: +49 30 313 58 70,
Mail: info@hotel-heidelberg-berlin.de,
Web: www.hotel-heidelberg-berlin.de
Single room from 69 Euro, double room from 89 Euro.
- Motel One Berlin Ku'dam
Pre-reservation until Aug. 20, booking form available here, booking code "IFM"
Kantstrasse 10,
D-10623 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 315 17 36-0,
Fax: +49 30 315 17 36-10,
Mail: berlin-kudamm@motel-one.com,
Web: www.motel-one.com
Single room from 76.50, double room from 99 Euro.
- Schlossgarten Hotel Park Sanssouci Potdsdam
Booking code "IFM"
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 41a,
14471 Potsdam
Tel : +49 331 971700,
Fax : +49 331 97170404,
Mail: service@schlossgartenhotel-potsdam.de
Single room from 60 Euros, double rooms from 80 Euros.
If you want to book a different hotel, here is a webpage offering the possibility of booking hotels directly: www.visitberlin.de
Registration, abstract submission and financial support
Please send an e-mail to nf-stoch (at) math.tu-berlin.de, providing the following information:
- Last name
- First name
- Gender
- Affiliation
- Address
- E-Mail
- Website if available
- Status (PhD-student, postdoc, professor ...)
- PhD-supervisor, (tentative) title of thesis
- Do you wish to give a contributed talk? yes/no
if yes: Title and (short) abstract. Note: The talks will be selected by the organizing committee among the submitted abstracts.
- Do you need financial support? In order to apply for financial support, please send us your CV and a short statement in which you claim that no funding is available at your home institution and also explain briefly the reasons for wanting to attend the workshop. The application deadline for financial support is July 1st.
Submission of abstracts: 1st July 2013.
Application for financial support: 1st July 2013.
Registration without presentation: 15th September 2013.
Applications submitted before the deadline will get an answer not later than 15th July 2013.
Last updated: August 28, 2013