Monday, January 22, 2018
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin
room MA 041
Lecture - 14:15
In this talk, I will survey recent results concerning the proportional
representation of voters in approval-based committee elections. In this
setting, voters express their preferences over a set of candidates by
specifying, for each candidate, whether they approve ("like") that
candidate or not. Based on these approval votes, a fixed-size subset of
winning candidates needs to be selected.
I will also discuss proportional rankings, where the goal is to
rank-order the candidates in a way that is representative of voters'
preferences. As an example application scenario where such rankings are
desirable, I will briefly outline some ideas related to "liquid
democracy", an exciting new paradigm for collective decision making with
many participants.
Colloquium - 16:00