Graduiertenkolleg: Methods for Discrete Structures

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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Schedule for the winter semester 2011-2012

Date Lecture 14 c.t. Colloquium 16 s.t. Location
24.10.11 ERC-Workshop

31.10.11 Stephan Kreutzer, Berlin
Tractability through Graph and Digraph Minors
- - cancelled - -
Leibniz Lecture 2011 by Anja Feldmann
07.11.11 Stephen Kobourov, Tucson, AZ
From Graphs to Maps
- - cancelled - -
14.11.11 Susanne Albers, Berlin
Energy-Efficient Algorithms for Variable-Speed Processors
Louis Theran, Berlin
Generic periodic rigidity
21.11.11 David B. Shmoys, Ithaca, NY
Strong LP Formulations and Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithms
Jannik Matuschke, Berlin
Abstract Flows over Time
28.11.11 Klaus Jansen, Kiel
Approximation algorithms for a knapsack and related scheduling problem
Christian Stump, Berlin
A new approach to cluster complexes of finite types and of generalized associahedra
05.12.11 Martin Otto, Darmstadt
Controlling Cycles in Finite Hypergraphs
Angelica Pachon, Warwick
The decimation process in random k-sat
12.12.11 Martin Skutella, Berlin
Unsplittable and k-splittable flows in single-source networks
Dirk Frettlöh, Berlin
Highly symmetric fundamental cells for lattices in Dimension 2 and 3
09.01.12 Jacob Fox, Cambridge (USA)
Graph regularity and removal lemmas
Anita Liebenau, Berlin
On the domination number of the random graph
16.01.12 Rolf Niedermeier, Berlin
Studies in Computational Aspects of Voting
- - MDS Faculty meeting - -
23.01.12 Raman Sanyal, Berlin
Discrete and convex algebraic geometry
Jochen Könemann, Waterloo (Canada)
Solving Structured Set Cover Instances via Geometric Sampling
30.01.12 Rolf Möhring, Berlin
Integrated Scheduling and Routing in Logistics and Traffic
Cesar Ceballos, Berlin
Subword complexes, cluster complexes, and generalized multi-associahedra
06.02.12 Gerhard Woeginger, Eindhoven
Transportation under nasty side constraints
Yury Person, Berlin
A randomized version of Ramsey's theorem
13.02.12 Stefano Leonardi, Rom
Multi-unit auctions with budgets
Wolfgang Mulzer, Berlin
A Lower Bound for Shallow Partitions

Letzte Aktualisierung: 06.02.2012